Airport GIS

Airport GIS

Geopro Consultants’ aeronautical team has been working with the FAA Advisory Circular standards since they were first introduced in 2007. We have extensive experience completing aeronautical surveys to all iterations of the FAA AGIS Advisory Circulars, 150/5300-16,...

Obstacle Evaluation

Geopro can help airports to understand the obstacles impacting their operations as part of a cost-effective onsite evaluation developed in response to the FAA Interim Policy from November 18, 2013. In that Policy, the FAA issued guidance regarding penetrations of the...

ICAO Charting

ICAO Charting Geopro Consultants specializes in the development of ICAO mandated aeronautical charts for obstacles, including Type A and B, and the Aerodrome Grid Chart. We also offer charting management services for airport authorities with a need for cost-effective...


Geopro Consultants offers complete e-TOD (Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Database) production and management for airports to ensure compliance with international quality requirements for terrain and obstacle data including ICAO Annex 15 up to Amendments 33, 34 and 36...